Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Share USB Scanner on Network

  • Connect USB scanner cable to a computer connected to the network. 
  • Install the software.
  • Click "Start," then "Control Panel." Type "Network" in the search box, then click "View network computers and devices" under "Network and Sharing Center."
  • Right-click on your scanner and select "Install." Though the scanner is already installed on your local computer, this makes it accessible on the network.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

PowerShell: How much physical memory

Get-WMIObject -class win32_physicalmemory | Format-Table devicelocator, capacity –a

This PowerShell command will return the amount of memory in each slot.

MSDN: Win32_PhysicalMemory class

PowerShell domain join and computer rename

Add-Computer -DomainName Domain01 –Restart

TechNet: PowerShell Add-Computer

Rename-Computer -NewName Server044 -DomainCredential Domain01\Admin01 –Restart

TechNet: PowerShell Rename-Computer

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Microsoft Data Classification Toolkit

This Solution Accelerator is designed to help enable an organization to identify, classify, and protect data on their file servers. The out-of-the-box classification and rule examples help organizations build and deploy their policies to protect critical information on the file servers in their environment.

Microsoft Data Classification Toolkit

Sunday, 9 March 2014

PowerShell shutdown all running Hyper-V VMs

PowerShell Script that shuts down all running virtual machines on named Hyper-V server. It shuts them down one at a time waiting while a VM shuts down before shutting down the next. Remember to substitute your <servername>. Quick way to shutdown the test environment at the end of the day.

$runningVM=Get-VM –ComputerName <servername> | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'}

foreach($cn in $runningVM){
Write-Host "Shutting down $($cn.name)"
stop-vm $cn.name -force

Add the following lines to shut down the Hyper-v server

Write-Host "Shutting down Hyper-V server”

Stop-Computer –computername <servername> –force

Start Virtual Machine when you start Hyper-V

I have a Virtual Machine that I want to start automatically when I start the Hyper-V server in my test environment. How would I do/undo this with PowerShell.

Start a VM called vm01 automatically

SET-VM –name vm01 –AutomaticStartAction Start

Prevent a VM called vm01 from starting automatically

SET-VM –name Vm01 –AutomaticStartAction Nothing

Wild cards a permissible – every VM that start with b

SET-VM –name b* –AutomaticStartAction Start

Saturday, 8 March 2014

PS Script will not run from current directory

Your PowerShell script will not run from the current folder.

If you have myscript.ps1 in c:\myfolder and your current directory is c:\myfolder you will find your script will not run.  PowerShell does not search the current folder only those included in the Path variable.

Include the full path c:\myfolder\myscript.ps1 or .\myscript.ps1

the other alternative is to add you folder to the path variable.

Auto load PowerShell Window in Server Core

When working with a server core I like to have a PowerShell window open. Here is a quick way to do it.

You could just type PowerShell in the cmd window to turn it into a PowerShell window or type Start PowerShell to open a separate PowerShell window.

To have it there waiting for you:

  1. From cmd prompt run Regedit
  2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  3. Add string Value called PowerShell with value cmd.exe /k %windir%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.

Alternatively use the PowerShell Command

New-ItemProperty -path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run -Name PowerShell -Value C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -Type string

Monday, 3 March 2014

Add a static IP route

TechNet: Add a static IP route

route adddestinationmasksubnetmaskgatewaymetriccostmetricifinterface

example #1: route add mask

by adding this to a workstation you are saying they the route to the network is via gateway This assumes the workstation is on network

This command would result in a temporary route to make it persistent add –p to the command.

example #2: route add mask –p

Powershell 4.0:


Get-NetRoute | Format-List -Property *

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Rename folder/directory from command line

Rename folder\directory from command line using powershell

rename-item –path ‘c:\oldfoldername’ –newname ‘newfoldername’

“I was working with Hyper-V 2012 R2 free deployment in workgroup configuration and found that I had to change user to the built-in administrator account rather than a created administrator account to successfully run this command.”

Keyboard Shortcut to Change Screen Rotation

Screen Rotation Keyboard Shortcut

Ctrl+Alt+[arrow  key]

  • Ctrl+Alt+Up - rotate up
  • Ctrl+Alt+Down  - rotate down
  • Ctrl+Alt+Right - rotate right
  • Ctrl+Alt+Left - rotate left

Quite a common support call

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Refresh Hosts file without rebooting

Tried this with Windows 8.1 and it is easier than you would think as it a command you should be very familiar with.