Sunday, 21 March 2010

SBS 2008: Do Not Display Last User Name

Windows Server 2008 and SBS 2008 can be configured using a Group Policy (GPO) to clear the last user name from the log on screen.

In an environment where there is a lot of computer sharing, “hot desking” or you are just security conscious you may want to clear the previous user name from the log on screen.

Open the Group Policy Manager and right click on the Default Domain Policy and select edit.

In the left pane you will have drill deep to find the setting.

  1. Computer Configuration
  2. Policies
  3. Windows Settings
  4. Security Settings
  5. Local Policies
  6. Security Options

Interactive logon: Do not display last user name.

Enabling this policy will clear the user name of the previous users from the Windows logon screen.

Further Information:

SBS 2008- Display Message at Log on

SBS 2008: Display Message at Log on

Windows Server 2008 and SBS 2008 can be configured using a Group Policy (GPO) to display a message when Ctrl+Alt+Del pressed to logon.

This can be used to display a terms & conditions summary or an important systems message prior to a logon attempt.

Open the Group Policy Manager and right click on the Default Domain Policy and select edit.

In the left pane you will have drill deep to find the settings.

  1. Computer Configuration
  2. Policies
  3. Windows Settings
  4. Security Settings
  5. Local Policies
  6. Security Options

Interactive logon: Message title for users attempting to log on.

Interactive logon: Message text for users attempting to log on.

Update these two policy setting to provide a message title and text.

Further Information:

SBS 2008- Do Not Display Last User Name

SBS 2003: Display message at logon

Windows Server 2003 and SBS 2003 can be configured using Group Policy or a script to display a message to users when Ctrl+Alt+Del pressed to logon.
This can be used to display a terms & conditions summary or important systems messages prior to a logon attempt.

More Information:
How to configure Windows Server 2003 to display a message when users log on